Frequently asked questions Bizbat

Can I create more than one profile

As of today, you can only have an active profile per email

Where can I use Bizbat?

Bizbat is a global community in its early stage. Everyday more fans, musicians and agents join our network from around the world

Do I have to pay to use Bizbat?

Bizbat is free for all users. However, we charge a commission for bookings artist or master classes. If you are a musician or Agent we have Premium account alternatives that offer benefits

Can I use Bizbat to find musicians or agents in another country?

Yes, through the platform you can search for places to go or musicians searching by genre or instrument, budget, anywhere.

Musicians and Bookers - Can I Share my music?

Through your Bizbat profile you can share up to 5 min video content, also, you will be able to share links to your social media and streaming platforms

Bookings – How am I assured the musician will show up and play?

Bizbat holds all payments until after the performance. In case of a no show, we return refund.

How does Bizbat confirms the performance took place?

To confirm (& payment) the event, both parties must rate the performance

What happens if either part does not rate the performance?

We will directly contact either person to validate the occurrence

Can I create and sell tickets through Bizbat?

As a musician and agent, through your profile you can upload your coming events. Soon, you wil also be able to create events and sell tickets.